This is the website of Alexander Bird. I am the Bertrand Russell Professor of Philosophy at Cambridge, and a fellow of St John's College. Prior to coming to Cambridge I was the Peter Sowerby Professor of Philosophy and Medicine at King's College London and Director of the Sowerby Philosophy & Medicine project. Previously I held the chair in Philosophy at the University of Bristol, and was lecturer and then reader at the University of Edinburgh before that. I have also held visiting positions at Dartmouth College, Saint Louis University, and Monash University; and I have been a visiting fellow at Exeter College, Oxford and at All Souls College, Oxford. I am an Honorary Fellow of St John's College, Oxford and a member (correspondant étranger) of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques (Institut de France)
Apart from being a professor of philosophy (and once of medicine!!), I write music ride bicycles (road, track, cyclocross), and am senior treasurer and a coach of the Lady Margaret Boat Club.
The images found on this website are illustrations by Thomas Rowlandson for William Combe's Three Tours of Doctor Syntax, a comic poem published between 1809 and 1821.